Icon of Cubs Baseball May Be Removed And That’s Leaving The Bar Blogger Feeling Flat
Yet through it all, Cubbie fans stick with their team and their legendary, historic stadium, the best in all of baseball. Wrigley Field is more than just a ballpark, it’s an experience, a piece of Chicago culture that cannot be described, only experienced.
And one of those great traditions is drinking Old Style beer from Chicago in the old-style stadium. But now, the owners of Old Style are considering pulling it from Wrigley and taking its marketing dollars elsewhere.
To this, the Bar Blogger asks, take the marking dollars exactly to WHERE? Where in the world could the money be better spent than in Wrigley Field?
The beer is not very good. Who would ever buy it outside of Wrigley, except out of a bit of novelty? Chicagoians who find it in other areas yes, but if the brewery pulls it out of Wrigley they won’t touch the stuff.
Who’s running this company – Skip Bartman?
Actually it’s a billionaire named C. Dean Metropoulos – sounds like a billionaire with a name like C. Dean, doesn’t it – and he’s supposedly the “brains” behind this potential move.
The beer is owned by Pabst – hardly the King of Beers – and its headquarters has moved to Los Angeles. From Chicago.
But taking the beer out of Chicago’s most revered venue, away from its most passionate fans where they drink it because it is Chicago, would be like Ernie not even wanting to play one. It’s deflating. While stop at Old Style? Why not take out the bleachers and rip out the ivy while you’re at it!???
So, Mr. C. Dean, don’t be like Facebook and zillions of other companies and change something great because you think it might be better another way. Sometimes, it’s best to leave well enough alone.
Now, let’s go play two. And pass me an Old Style.
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