I’ll Drink (Wine) To This Weekly Social Media ‘Holiday’
Sometimes, I get the feeling that certain social media hashtags were created not because there is something important to share, but as an excuse to justify behavior that normally would seem a bit off kilter.
Or, in the case of #WineWednesday, a midweek celebration of wine when such a thing is usually reserved for the weekends. Only lushes drink during the week, or so goes the old-fashioned mentality.
Well I’m here to say I’m all for it!
Bring it on; I love drinking wine on Wednesdays. Heck, I like drinking wine on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, too. And weekends, as well.
I love drinking wine in the sunshine. At sunset. With a group of friends and with a group of strangers in a wine tasting room or at a winery.
I’ve even stayed in a wine-themed hotel, the Vendage Inn located in Carmel, CA, in which every room has been decorated by a local winery.
Speaking of that area, one of my favorite things to do when I’m there is to go on the Carmel Wine Walk, a self-guided tasting tour of its many tasting rooms.
And Holman Ranch in Carmel Valley; well, if you have a wedding or corporate event there are few places that are better to drink wine than at this place.
I also love drinking wine in Switzerland. And that’s wine you can’t get anywhere but, well, pretty much in Switzerland.
So I don’t need a hashtag to encourage me to drink wine on Wednesday. Or any other day of the week for that matter.
But I can always use a good excuse!