Tips To Keep You Partying Hard All Three Days By Kevin Wilkerson, Nightlife Blogger It's a three-day party weekend and you don't want to miss any of it because you are hungover. The party pros of provide these proven tips. They will keep you partying hard all three days! While always feels you should live in the moment, it … [Read more...]
Memorial Day Weekend
Memorial Day Weekend Top Party Destinations & Best Events
The holiday exists to honor our fallen heroes of battle, to recognize those who died in wars defending this country and its values. And Americans can think of no better way of doing that than doing things that are so ver American, things those fallen heroes fought to preserve, like having barbeques, going to the ballpark, visiting the beaches and lakes of this great land, … [Read more...]
Top Reasons Lake Travis Austin Is A Top Memorial Day Party Destination
It has all the elements of a great party place: It's at a lake, boats are involved and there are guys and girls in swimsuits. Hot Texas girls! For this and more, Lake Travis in Austin, Texas is one of America's top party destinations for Memorial Day Weekend. Lake Travis is a boat tie-up party where rows of boats of all shapes and styles tie up in rows. You grab a … [Read more...]