It’s Just Past Noon On A Weekend; Time For A Drink.
I want a drink but then again I don’t want TO drink.
You see, it’s a little past noon and I’m in the dreaded early afternoon cocktail limbo.
On the one hand, I know I’ll be drinking today so why put off the inevitable?
On the other hand, I want to have some measure of responsibility, even tho it’s a Saturday and my duties are light compared to the weekdays.
This is just a normal Saturday. There’s nothing special happening, no festival, no big party.
Plus, no one else is really drinking at this time so it has no social appeal. The social aspects of having cocktails is one of the most appealing things about drinking if you ask me.
Also, I’m single and I want to have at least some measure of wits about me for when I go on the prowl for girls later in the day or night. I hate it when I’m off my game due to the fact I’m too buzzed to have effective conversations.
Nothing, by the way, will turn off a girl faster in a singles bar or at a party than a too-drunk guy who thinks he’s sober enough to talk to her. That’s because he thinks he’s being funny and entertaining and won’t leave her alone.
So I’m at that the awkward time where a cocktail would be nice but I think I’ll hold out until, oh, 4 o’clock. Okay, maybe 3 o’clock. That’s an acceptable time to start drinking on a weekend and it’s about when other will start, too.
By the way, there’s another awkward cocktail moment.
It’s what I call “transition time,” the time between the end of the work day and dinner. You are transitioning from one mode to another and usually spend this time fidgeting around until it’s socially acceptable to have that first drink.
And ladies, this is the time most men appear to be shopping. We are not really shopping, of course. We are just killing that hour because we can’t wait until it’s cocktail time.