Just in time for the holiday house party season, the Cocktail Collecton is out and it's more than just canned cocktails. It is a, well, a collection of five drinks featuring premium spirits in bottles not cans but even better yet, they are more than single-serve containers. They come in both 350ml and 750ml bottles that serve four and eight people, respectively. So that … [Read more...]
Longball Hard Iced Tea Is A Hit With PubClub.com In Taste Test
By Kevin Wilkerson, PubClub.com Okay, I have to admit, I was initially afraid to try it. Iced tea with alcohol seemed to me to be as bad a match as Brad Pitt and Jennifer Anniston, a quesadilla on the menu of a dive burger joint. This is because of my Southern heritage. In the South, we drink iced tea by the gallons. It's hot and humid there and this refreshing … [Read more...]