Two Americans Among Three People Gored In Event's Opening Days Wet and wild describes the first few days of the Running of the Bulls, the annual event in Pamplona, Spain. But after Saturday, things clear up for the rest of the event with no rain predicted thru the festival, which runs until July 14. Thunderstorms are predicted for Saturday but afterward, it's party … [Read more...]
Running Of The Bulls 2017 July 6-14 Calendar Dates Pamplona Spain
WHAT: The famous charge of the bulls through the streets of Pamplona, Spain, into the bullring stadium. This takes place in the morning (not long after many partiers have just left the tapas bars!) in one of the great scenes of summertime travel adventure. PARTY SCENE: Outstanding; this is one of the world's top annual party events. SINGLES SCENE: Excellent; there are men … [Read more...]
Running Of The Bulls Where To Watch & Best Viewing Spots
Balconies Vs. The Street Level Scene In Pamplona Most people who attend the Running of the Bulls in Pamplona, Spain, don't actually run with the bulls. Instead, they line the streets and lean over from balconies. This is two very different vantage points and which is better, you ask? Well, frankly you should be in Pamplona long enough to do both – the bulls rum … [Read more...]
How To Do Running Of The Bulls Without Getting Gored
Tips For Running While Being Safe At Pamplona's Great Event They charge through the streets, running madly through a barricade-lined street surrounded by tens of thousands of screaming people. We're not talking about the bulls, of course, but the mozos, the name for those who run with the bulls during the annual Running of the Bulls in Pamplona, Spain. It … [Read more...]
Running Of The Bulls Blog: An American’s Experience
A First-Person Journal From The Famous Event In Pamplona, Spain By 'Beach Cat Kel' Hermosa Beach, CA This was a long journey from Los Angeles. It took about 30 hours to get to Pamplona, including a layover in New York and a flight to Madrid. On top of that, it's a nine-hour time change. Because of this, our first day, a Saturday,was pretty low-key. Knowing we … [Read more...]