Longer Drinking Hours Mean Less Problems And More Revenue A proposal has been put before the California legislature that would allow cities and counties to petition for extended alcohol serving hours. Currently, bars must close at 2 a.m. This would allow them to stay open until 4 a.m., if the cities and counties so choose. And it should pass quicker than you can down a … [Read more...]
Tennessee Votes Down Wine In Grocery Stores By One Vote
A Rocky Failure For Rocky Top's Arcane State Liquor Laws My first reaction when I learned that Tennessee – my home state – had failed by one vote a provision that could have allowed wine to be sold in grocery stores was "why are they still living in the 1800s!?" Then I saw that the one vote that was expected to have put it over the top came from a representative from … [Read more...]
No Two Buck Chuck at Trader Joe’s Stores in Tennessee
Bizarre Alcohol Laws Restrict Selling Wines to Liquor Stores The good news for Tennesseans is that Trader Joe's has finally arrived in the Volunteer State. The bad news for Tennesseans is that the state's arcane liquor laws make it impossible to buy the low-priced gourmet store's signature item, Two Buck Chuck. The iconic California grocery store, which has … [Read more...]