Tips On Being The Perfect Hostess Or Host
While hosting a summer party isn’t exactly rocket science, you may find your fun is quickly ruined if you make a few of the most common missteps.
From entertainment and food, to your nosey neighbors and kids, there are quite a few things you need to consider before sending out the invites. By knowing what the most common mistakes are, you will be in the best position possible to avoid them.
Keep reading to learn more.
1.) Thinking Your Neighbors are “Out of Sight, Out of Mind”
It’s important to invite the neighbors from a few doors down – even if they don’t bother to come, it’s a nice gesture. It may also help you avoid trouble during the event.
When you invite your neighbors, you are actually warning them, without warning them. Make sure you give them your phone number too. That way they can call you if you’ve found amazing bands for hire and they get a bit too loud during the event.
2.) Not Providing Plenty of Sitting Space
You should never make the assumption that your guests are going to be fine standing up. If you are planning a party that is longer than two hours, then you need to make sure there enough seating for at least 80 percent of your guests.
If you are short on outdoor chairs, think about moving some of your indoor seating outside when possible. You may even want to consider borrowing a few folding chairs from your friends.
3.) Not Clearing Away all Possible Hazards
Put your cords on the outskirts of the high-traffic areas or invest in metal shaped U’s at the local hardware store to clamp the cords down into the grass. Also, try not to use extension cords outside that are not marked as being UL certified and “suitable for use with outdoor appliances.”
4.) Running Out of Drinks or Snacks
For the typical party, you need to plan your food and drink situation carefully. A good rule of thumb to follow is listed here:
- 8 to 10 hors d’oeuvres for each person
- One and a half drinks for each person, per hour
- One and a half burgers or half of a pound of bone-in meat per person
- Up to half of a pound of side dishes for each person
If you run out of food or drinks, it’s going to be a definite party killer. Make sure this doesn’t happen by using the guidelines above.
5.) Serving Food that Requires Everyone to Sit Down
You need to ensure you are only serving food that is easy to eat. At most, your guests should have to use a fork.
You don’t want your guests struggling with more than one utensil when they are standing or mingling. An example is to serve tortellini pasta salad rather than linguini.
6.) Not Timing Your Grilling Properly
You should make sure you have preheated the grill about 10 to 15 minutes before you are ready to begin cooking – not any sooner – or you are going to waste gas.
You should also begin grilling your steaks, chicken, burgers or other meat about 30 minutes before you plan to actually serve them. If you cook them any earlier than this, and keep the items warm, they are also going to get overly dry.
There’s no question that there are quite a few issues that may occur if you aren’t careful when you plan your summer party. However, when you use the tips here, you will know what mistakes to avoid and ensure your party is a huge success.
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